Saturday, July 31, 2010

Read & Rate Articles to Earn Money!

ReadBud - get paid to read and rate articles This is another way to earn money from the internet by the simple way. You just need to read and rate articles to earn money!

No much time used for this job. For about 20 articles each day, I just need time less than 10 minutes! And potentially to get $1-$1.5, depends on how much the price from each article.

They'll pay you after you reach minimum payment at $50 and send it to your PayPal account. If you have not PayPal account yet, you can register here.

Come, join with me now! ;)

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Acid Reflux Cure

Acid Reflux Cure
It's fair to say that many of us suffer from some type of stomach issue each and everyday. This can be anything from heartburn to something more serious like stomach cancer. For mild cases of stomach problems there are many different types of over-the-counter medications that can be taken to help us overcome the discomforts, however being able to determine what you are suffering from will better help you to diagnose what you need to overcome the discomfort. However if you are dealing with a more severe case such as peptic ulcers or GERD then you may require some type of medical attention.

If you were to guess what form of stomach issue plagues around 20% of our population, what would you say it is? If you said acid reflux then you are absolutely right. What happens is a backflow of food and stomach acid that causes a burning sensation in the esophagus. After time this can actually cause damage to the inner lining of the esophagus. One thing to know is that if you suffer from a mild case, there are over-the-counter medications that can be taken to help you overcome the discomfort.

Being able to narrow down your symptoms to which form of stomach issue maybe causing you your discomfort is only going to help you to receive the treatment you need. Many of the mild cases of stomach problems can easily be treated by some form of over-the-counter medication. However there are times when a doctor's visit is needed. If at anytime you are dealing with: Weight loss, ongoing vomiting and diarrhea as well as blood in your bowel movements then it's time to consult a doctor.

As was mentioned before, acid reflux is a stomach problem. There are different types of things that can be done to help you find an acid reflux cure. Some of them can be simple, such as changing your diet and lifestyle, this form is generally for people who suffer from a mild case of acid reflux. If that doesn't work then there is always drug therapy that can be tried as well. These can include such things as antacids to proton pump inhibitors. If you are still suffering from acid reflux then surgery maybe what you need to overcome the discomfort. There are also alternative methods that can be taken into consideration. These methods can include things such as herbal and home remedies as well.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Hepatitis Vaccines

Hepatitis Vaccines
With so much drama and horrible stories about sexually transmitted diseases, you rarely hear about how to defend yourself from certain possible infections. Luckily for many, they will get vaccinations for the Hepatitis viruses. There are three kinds of Hepatitis, simply A, B and C. Here are how the vaccinations work.

The Hepatitis A vaccine given in the U.S. is an inactivated form of the hepatitis A virus. So, you are actually being injected with a dormant version of the virus, it should be noted that is NOT possible to get the disease from the vaccine. It is administered in two doses, six months apart. After receiving both doses, most people will have lifetime protection from hepatitis A. There are some cases in which the vaccine is not effective but this is very rare. It should also be noted that the hepatitis A vaccine does not protect against hepatitis B or hepatitis C.

For the Hepatitis B virus, again, an inactivated form of the hepatitis B virus. It is not possible to get the disease from the vaccine. After a person gets all three doses of the hepatitis B vaccine, most have lifetime protection from hepatitis B. There are some cases in which the vaccine is not effective but this is very rare. As well as the Hep A vaccine, the Hep B vaccine does not shield you from Hep A or C. It should also be noted that you can be tested to see if you have previously been infected and built up immunity to hepatitis B. Also, it is not harmful to get the vaccine if you have already been infected with hepatitis B.

Unfortunately, there is no vaccination or cure for the Hepatitis C virus. It is one of the diseases that is permanent, and can do serious damage to your internal organs if it is not diagnosed properly. There is some medication that can be prescribed and people can go on to lead a normal lifestyle, but they will always carry this disease.

If you think you might be at risk of contracting one of the stands of the Hepatitis virus, or if you just want to take precautions to not get infected, then contact a medical professional about getting the vaccinations. They are quite easy to get, and you should be protected from Hepatitis A and B for the rest of your life.

Hepatitis Safety- little information is widespread amongst the public about the Hepatitis viruses. Learn more about them, and how you can protect yourself.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Add Yahoo! Messenger Status Icon to Blogger

IM-Online! » Yahoo! Messenger's Status GeneratorNow I want to tell you how to Add Yahoo! Messenger Status Icon to your blog on Just follow this simple instructions below.

If you have any questions or corrections, please feel free to commenting this simple tuts ;)

  1. Go to this cool site here.
  2. Select your favorite image by clicking the category menus.
    Choose Menu

    don't forget to click on the radio button below:
    Click Button
  3. Enter your Yahoo! ID.
    Enter Name

    please note that you don't have to write the suffix / / etc. Just your ID.
  4. Click SUBMIT button on the right after the input text.
  5. You will see 3 boxes appears.
    - HTML Code: to put on your blog, website or social networking
    - BB Code: to put on your forum
    - Preview: How your code will looks like
  6. Copy the code by left click on the area code, then right click to copy the code.
    Select Code

    done. Now you've got your code.

Then, I'll show you how to use the code into your Blogger account.
  1. Log in to your account in
  2. Go to Design page and be sure you're under tab Page Elements.
  3. Click Add New Gadget in the location you want to put it on.
  4. It will show new window with some options. Choose HTML/Javascript by clicking it or the sign plus (+).
  5. Now in Configure HTML/Javascript window, you can enter the Title and paste the HTML code you've got from above tutorial in the Content box.
  6. Click Save.
  7. Done. Now you can visit your blog to see the result ;)
    Preview Code - Blogger
Even we can use this tool for free, but to show our thanks for their nice job we could donate them just for few bucks ;)

Related Posts:
- Memasukkan Status Yahoo! Messenger ke Blog
- IM-Online! » Yahoo! Messenger's Status Generator

Saturday, July 24, 2010

IM-Online! » Yahoo! Messenger's Status Generator

IM-Online! » Yahoo! Messenger's Status GeneratorHello friends...!

I'm sure most of us already know how to put Yahoo! Messenger Status Icons to our blog so our friends can send us message when the status shows we're online. But, now I want to tell you one of most exciting website that give us free service of generating our code so then we just copy & paste it into our blog easily.

All you need is just visit this address There, they will give you a very detailed instructions. So I'm sure you won't get confuse. But, if so please tell me where's the part you don't understand. OK? ;)

You can also use the code for your forums or another social networking such as Friendster and Facebook. Please see How To Use page to know more about it. If you think they will collecting some charges for their services, you absolutely wrong. They provide it for free, no charge at all! But we can help this site keep alive by donating them for some bucks to show our respects for their nice job.

Fair enough, right? ;)

Please see in my previous post at "Memasukkan Status Yahoo! Messenger ke Blog" if you want to read in Bahasa Indonesia

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Memasukkan Status Yahoo! Messenger ke Blog

IM-Online! » Yahoo! Messenger's Status Generator Sekedar intermezo sedikit dari seputar dunia biologi yah... :D

Kali ini saya mau berbagi tutorial bagaimana caranya kita bisa memasukkan status Yahoo! Messenger (Y!M) ke Blog. Manfaat dari alat ini adalah kalau kita pasang status Y!M di blog kita, pengunjung blog kita jadi tahu kita sedang online/tidak di Yahoo! Messenger dan bisa langsung chat dengan kita di Y!M.

Ya udah, langsung aja ya ke tutorialnya.. dijamin cepat & gampang kok ;)
  1. Buka situs
  2. Pilih gambar yang diinginkan di bagian #1 Choose Your Image. Jangan lupa klik radio button di bawah gambar yang diinginkan ya...
  3. Masukkan ID Yahoo! yang ingin dipakai pada bagian #2 Submit Your Yahoo! ID.
  4. Akan muncul 3 kotak di bawah. Klik kiri kotak yang berisi HTML Code > klik Kanan > pilih menu Copy.
  5. Log in ke account
  6. Klik menu Design yang ada di bawah pilihan blog kita.
  7. Setelah masuk ke halaman Design, pastikan kita berada di bagian Page Elements.
  8. Klik Add New Gadget di lokasi/bagian blog yang ingin kita taruh status Y!M itu.
  9. Setelah muncul jendela baru, pilih HTML/Javascript dengan mengklik pilihan itu atau pada tanda plus (+) di sebelah kanannya.
  10. Nah, di halaman Configure HTML/Javascript masukin Title dari addon itu, misalnya "Support" seperti yang kami gunakan di blog ini dan paste-kan kodenya di kotak Content.
  11. Klik Save. Jadi deh... ;)

Tuh kan, udah dibilang gampang :D

Kalo kamu bertanya-tanya apakah kita akan dipungut biaya dari alat ini atau tidak, maka harus lihat halaman About. Karena disana sudah dijelaskan bahwa layanan ini tidak akan memungut biaya sepeser pun alias gratis. Yah... tapi untuk menunjukkan rasa terima kasih kita, ga ada salahnya kita menyumbang sedikit rupiah/dollar demi kelangsungan situs cantik ini ;)

Oh ya, hampir lupa! Kalau script ini juga bisa ditaruh di forum ataupun jejaring sosial lain seperti Friendster/Facebook. Kamu lihat aja caranya ya di halaman How To Use...

Oke deh, sekian intermezonya hehehehe :D

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Promote Your Products From Blogs!

In the last post, I shared you about "Earn Money From Your Blog" by reviewing advertisers website.

But, how if you act as an advertiser?

Well, by using the same provider, you can cut off your time to promote your products. But, because now you're the advertiser, you need to register at this link. Still same simple way just like before.

If you have question why you should this tricks?

Well, you know that in the internet, search engine is the best way for customers find products they want to buy. And search engine use methods with complicated alghorithm. But, we don't need to understand about that. We just need to know that one important element used by search engine is backlinks from websites to review about relevant products.

You can personally ask to your blogger friends to write down your products in their blogs. But, how many your friends did you have? Moreover want to help you? How wide their blogs can catch the viewer?

If you use this manual way, you will waste lot of your time and energy. But you can use third party agent who can give you services in this works and let them works for you. Your money will come to you from the internet ;)

Friday, July 2, 2010

Earn Money From Your Blog

This is my first post about internet business. I'm very interesting with one of friend's post about earn income with your blog. I'm very agree with what his said, "Do not waste your time anymore just to make something useless when you are connected to the internet! But, use your time and facilities to earn income with your blog".

I think I'm very late to consider about it. I've spent about 3 years to write down on my blog, but no money I can't produce from my blog. But, it's not late at all. I want to start in right now and start earning money from my blog. If you also interested, then let's get success together!

All I've to do is just sign up at this link and then wait from the admin given me a website to reviewed and post it to my blog. And if my blog applyed I'll get my money through PayPal one month later. Yes, it just simply as that.

A very short way to make online money :)